Talbot Historical Society actively collects and accepts items of cultural or historical value for its permanent collection of materials that document and represent the cultural history of Talbot County. The Society currently collects four categories of materials: artifacts, photographic materials, archival materials, and books. THS’s Collection Committee, with oversight from staff, reviews possible donations.
Our collections are on display in our rotating and permanent exhibits, located in the Denton Extended Museum and Hill Research Center (25 South Washington St.) and The Mary Jenkins House (30 South Washington St.). Our collections that not currently on display are available for research at the Hill Research Center. For more information on how to view the exhibits or research, please visit our “Plan a Visit” page.
Photographer’s collections at Talbot Historical Society:
There are many fascinating stories to be learned from the prominent African American figures of Talbot County history. Click on the pictures below to learn more about each person.
Further Reading
Check out these websites, books, and other resources for more information about Black history in Talbot County.
- A History of African Americans of Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore edited by Carol Marks. (The Delaware Heritage Commission: 1996).
- Available to read online here.
Praise the Bridge That Carries You Over: The Life of Joseph Sutton by Shepard Krech, III. (Schenkman Publishing Co.: 1981.)
Web Resources
- African-American History Resources- University of Maryland Libraries
- This guide published by the UMD libraries includes information on slavery, the Civil War, the Civil Rights movement, genealogy, and more in Maryland.
- Legacy of Slavery Project- Maryland State Archives
- The Maryland State Archives has been working to preserve the history of those who were enslaved in Maryland. This site includes case studies on individuals, interactive maps of properties, a searchable document database, and more.
Places to Visit
- Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center
- While Tubman lived in Dorchester County, she is certainly an important local figure. The Visitor Center is located in Church Creek, and is managed by the Maryland Park Service and National Park Service.
Talbot County Yearbooks
Are you interested in what history has to say about your relatives upon graduation? Do you have a Talbot County high school year book that you would like to donate to THS? Currently we have the following yearbooks in our collection:
-Moton High School – 1961, 1962, 1967
-Easton High School – 1910, 1928, 1946, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1966
-St. Michaels High School – 1944, 1947, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1961, 1964, 1965
We are in search of anyone who has yearbooks from Cordova and other schools within Talbot County. Please contact us if you are interested in researching or donating yearbooks: 410-822-0773 or kaylaw@talbothistory.org. Thank you!