May 4, 2019- September 28, 2019 | Neall House Galleries
Exhibit Overview
This exhibit honored the men and women who served in the military both in this country and overseas with special tribute to those who sacrificed their lives in WWII. In addition, this exhibit focused on the various and creative ways in which all our communities pulled together on behalf of the war effort here at home.
It featured uniforms of Talbot Countians who fought in the war, memorabilia from the war including medals, service ribbons, rationing coupons, even shrapnel from a fighter plane hit by enemy fire. A wedding dress made from a used parachute was a highlight as well as a Japanese Kamikaze flag. Lists of those who served from the county and the list of those who died while in uniform serve as a reminder of the commitment of Talbot County to the war effort.
Featured Photos and Artifacts

Wedding gown made by an Italian dressmaker from a parachute.
On May 3rd, 2019, THS held a Members only Opening Ceremony Event. We celebrated 7 WWII veterans who attended and remarks were made by THS President Rich Trippe, Executive Director Larry Denton, Mr. Lee Young Commander Legion -Post 70, Mr. Michael Waller Commander American Legion -Blake-Blackston Post 77 and Mr. Kenley Timms Commander E. E. Streets Memorial VFW Post 5118. Exhibit Chairman Ginny Capute read the names of Talbot County Servicemen who were killed in WWII and Taps was played by Mr. Gene Feher, Sr. Vice Commander VFW Post 5118.